As for the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, or pre-diabetic condition can be traumatic. Fortunately for many people, diet, diabetes is at hand. Controlling diabetes through diet and exercise is an important first step toward healthier.
Normally, the doctor recommended a diet for diabetics, and may also refer to a nutritionist or other professional help, the diet under control. The most important component of the diet of diabetes and the standards for controlGlucose in the blood. Keeping blood sugar levels under control is to stabilize his condition.
The main priority is to limit consumption of certain types of carbohydrates. In particular, the simple carbohydrates, which can be easily converted into sugar, and sugar itself. For example, a sugar, fructose comes from fruit and can cause a sharp increase in the levels of glucose in the blood. For this reason it is important to limit fruit juice, althoughmost cases they should not be eliminated entirely.
Unlike simple carbohydrates are complex carbohydrates is an important component of diet-controlled diabetes. These types of carbohydrates quickly turn sugar, bring stability and the level of glucose in the blood. Examples of complex carbohydrates include bread, pasta and rice. Carbohydrates are an important part of diabetic diet and a diet low in carbohydrates is not recommended by the American DiabetesAssociation.
Another important element relates to eat consistently. Eat at regular intervals throughout the day for software diabetes. An important skill is involved in the planning of menus and must ensure that adequate nutrition is provided in advance. Planned consistency will help you blood levels stable.
Diabetes diet can work for many people, may be the biggest step you take, along with regular physical activity, medical and counseling. Do not assumeThey will be condemned to a life of drug. Take one step at a time, and absolutely committed to a healthy diet, to see the positive changes in your health.