Tuesday, December 15, 2009

A lesson for the silence

As I am working hard on this beautiful Saturday afternoon, wondering what aspect of life, I feel inspired, address, pause and take a moment to be alone. I hear the rain dripping, which is reflected in the milky gray sky, raining on the deployment of the spring leaves on the way to nourish the earth. Birds chirping outside my window and the smell of heat and humidity brings a flood of memories of my youth, the years passed. I express my screen backin leather office chair that has a deepening of my ever present body permanently. When I relax into the sounds and smells, I have the sudden I worked so well. This time is just what I needed more. Too often in life, we forget for a time-out, to be fair. We are too excited and unable to manage our time.

It 'always' off for a meeting "or" you can hang? I need to delete hundreds of unnecessary call ....',E-mail, while worrying about an upcoming event - the name. Multi-tasking is the modern mantra. I often wonder if people even remember to slow down, if necessary. I wonder if they understand the value of taking time to be alone. If you take the time to just open the awareness of the beauty of the moment. The present moment is all that really exists. Past and future are real inventions of the imagination. We use these concepts to our lives to strengthen our self-understanding.Unfortunately, many of us spend most of our time thinking about what has happened or what will happen. We forget to focus on the present moment. Use this time and clear my head. Unstick yourself of your screen, cell phone, Blackberry or all of the above.

Stop thinking about what you have to do tomorrow. To stop and think nothing of how you could do otherwise, shall have been given another chance. Ask yourself, how are you now exactly? AsYour life is right now? Experience how it feels to be alone. They sit in the present, and take some deep breaths. Let all the tension flow out when you exhale. Focus on continuous and present. That may be illogical. Stop doing things to increase productivity? Yes take the time to be present only with yourself will increase your energy. It allows you to center yourself. Your opinion will be clearer, more focused your mind. If youtune in, allowing time to be fully present, we become more aware of distracting thoughts that arise. With this knowledge in a position to recognize and eliminate distractions borrow your efforts more than the task at hand. In an age where time is a precious commodity, sometimes it can be slowed down under for a moment and just have the greatest impact on effectiveness.

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